Thursday, February 12, 2009

masters of song fu

if you haven't yet heard of "masters of song fu", aside from clearly having been dwelling beneath some sort of sedimentary or igneous formation for the last several months, you really ought to head over to "QUICK STOP ENTERTAINMENT" and check it out.

it is essentially a battle to the death of gladiatorial proportions, through the medium of songwriting. their site will explain it better than I can, all you need to know is to visit the site, listen to the songs and then vote on who brought the most fu. this round the task was to write a happy song, and you can vote for one "master" and 5 "challengers"

gogogo!!! if nothing else, its a great place to be exposed to fresh new music by some old favs like paul & storm* as well as some people you might not have heard of...yet.



* i mean that in the fondest, non-age-related way! <3

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